Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dog Boxes

Barrie and Kasey went up the Hoback yesterday morning, to pick up a dog box Frank Teasley gave her. It is an 8 dog box, and there are 8 more boxes that could be put on top. Barrie is working on it today, took off the roof, and cut off the storage compartment in front. It was too big for her truck. She is painting it now.

Click on images for a larger view

Here is part of what she cut off.

She has done it all with a crow bar, jig saw, and my electric chain saw.

This wild currant bush is growing along the cinder block retaining wall by my driveway. I guess it got planted there by birds. It's not very big, and has about 8 berries on it.
I got my music files moved to the new computer yesterday, and today I downloaded "itunes". I have about 1500 songs on here, but somehow there are a bunch of duplicates. So I need to organize them. Quite a few years ago, I was one of those law breakers who downloaded music from the Internet. Actually, a lot of what I downloaded were songs on my old 45rpm records or tapes , but had no way of getting them on my computer. I did get some tapes copied to CDs and got them on the computer, but it was a hassle. I also had quite a collection of CDs I put on the computer. So I guess I didn't really do "too much" illegal downloading.
I got all my e-mail addresses copied to the new computer this morning. It was so easy I couldn't believe it!

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