Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cleaning, organizing, sorting, finishing some projects and trashing some! Today I worked in my studio reorganizing and sorthing things. I put clean plastic on the top of the watercolor table, and put things away that have been cluttering the place up. A nice feeling. I think I finished the old cabin that needed some work on it, and maybe finished a painting of my cat.

i went through the pile of reference photos I had on the art table, and shoved a lot of them into the drawer with the big file. Now I have to go through all those photos, and I know I will be throwing a bunch of them out.

I could not find my addresses file on my computers - none of them, including the laptop Barrie uses. I dragged out my old laptop that we don't use any more, and found the file on it. Yeah! I don't know why it didn't get moved with all the other documents.

Pink Sky

I am still thinking about the beautiful early morning skies, and took a break from cleaning today and painted this. I was happy with the sky color, but shouldn't have put so much dark grey on the left side. I think I will try more of these.