Friday, September 11, 2009


Lotsa' Dots

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I finished the pen and ink stipple drawing of trees today. I think the background needs a little touching up, but I am happy with it. For some reason, I am really tired of pen and ink right now!

Cooking for a Crowd: This is Barrie's new cooker. I think it is 8 gallons. She cooks rice and meat for her dogs in it.

The artist and the critic.


It has been a perfectly beautiful day today. I love this time of year. As I look out across town and towards the creek, I can see many trees that have turned to a beautiful golden color.

Barrie and Kasey and the sled dogs are going to a sled dog symposium in Casper next weekend. They will camp on Casper Mountain with other mushers and she is taking a four wheeler so she can run her dogs on trails up there. I think she plans on getting some meat from a friend and fellow musher in Glenrock. She is still getting meat from Specialty Meats, but some days the bear hunters beat her to it. She is also trying to make arrangements with the locker in Jackson to pick up game meat.


  1. Ooo ... I really like this pen and ink. I don't think I'd do anything more to the background. Looks cold. And I assure you I'd be off pen and ink for a while myself after that one. Really nice

  2. Thanks so much, Judith. It means a lot to me when you compliment my work. I think the background looks a little "splotchy", and I would like to even it out a bit.
