Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Kat has earned her Kibbles!

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This is what greeted me at the top of the stairs this morning. The cat had mostly lost interest in it by then. As she won't go outside, this had to have come from inside the house. Barrie said she has noticed the cat hanging around the refrigerator in the kitchen lately. The mightly hunter is sleeping on the top shelf of her condo pole right now.

I started another 5" x 7" greeting card last night and finished it in art group today. Judi, Vicky, and Terry put pen and ink touches on their watercolors, and I think it really adds a lot. I need to do more of it, especially with small pieces like this.

Vicky brought a small plein air she had done of Fremont Peak. It was incredible. All I can say is WOW. Maybe I can photograph it next week. I hope I can get some more plein air done.

I started on a watercolor of Square Top today, but all I got done was the sky.


After getting dog boxes on her truck, Barrie put more boxes in her horse trailer. She has quite the setup for hauling sled dogs and equipment now. She took her trailer out to the dog lot this morning and brought 20 dogs in to Vern Aultman for their rabies shots.

She was a little late getting back into town, so I had Kasey up, dressed and fed when she got back. As I am always alseep when they get up in the morning, I wasn't sure what to do. Kasey knows the routine, though. When I got her up, she headed for the bathroom and said "I go potty". Then we found clothes, panties and training pants. I put her sock on her, and she went to find her boots and put them on herself. (Wrong feet, but I left them that way). Then she headed for her high chair and told me she wanted her "Ego". How easy is that??

Barrie didn't take her to day care until late. Vern and Rose have been nagging her because they haven't seen Kasey for so long, so Barrie took her out there. She laid on the floor with a piece of paper and a pink highlighter, and enjoyed herself while Vern vaccinated the dogs.

My thoughts are with Chase and his entire family. Best wishes and hopes for them. He is too young for that kind of health concern.

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