Wednesday, September 23, 2009


More Dots

I finished this pen and ink of some antelope last night. I used two different size pen points on it. They are both very fine, but there is a noticeable difference.


Judi and Rollie just took a trip to Faming Gorge, and she asked me to post the photos I had from there. They are old photos, scanned from some slides. Chuck was spawning salmon on a creek at the reservoir, we think it was probably Sheep Creek. I know I took a lot of photos, but evidently didn't save them all.

I am convinced that my cat is "special". I sat on the front porch a while this afternoon, and "Chloe" visited me. She is one of the old cats I had spayed. She is quite friendly and rubbed on me and wanted to be petted. When I came in, my eyes were itching, and I was sneezing. But my cat doesn't bother me !very much She sleeps in my chairs and on my bed, and I do OK with her hair, as long as I don't rub my eyes. I at one time really thought I might be outgrowing the allergy, but I guess not.

I had hung a suet cake in the pine tree in the front yard. Some magpies discovered it and cleaned it up in no time. I put a new cake in it today and hung it at my upstairs window. Maybe the magpies won't bother it there.


  1. Great Flaming Gorge photos. Thank you for sharing. May I take a guess on the antelope? 2 on right are different pen than 2 on left? JAM

  2. Right! The pen on the right antelope has a finer point.

