Saturday, October 10, 2009


The score is now Kat 4, Mice 0! I heard the cat in the middle of the night, but I never pay attention. Sometimes she just likes to get up and play. But this morning there was a fresh kill in front of my chair. Then I noticed the bathroom rugs were messed up and there was some blood on the floor. I guess this one maybe put up a fight.

I have three new windows installed, but the new door isn't in yet. Dave said he might come back today and work on the door. Haven't seen him yet, so maybe he is hoping for warmer weather. although the forecast doesn't look very promising.

I asked Barrie to sleep with her bedroom door open and not use the electric heater last night. I don't know how cold it was in her room, forgot to put the thermometer in there. I know it was 62 degrees upstairs when I got up.

I really don't know what to expect with the new windows and door, as my whole house is really cool at night. I do know that at least the curtains won't be blowing in the wind coming in through the sides of the windows, and there won't be little snow drifts in front of the door!

I printed two more packs of greeting cards this morning. The printer pulled the paper in crooked a few times, and ruined some cards.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how many of those little critters can get in undetected! With so much very cold weather already, I know why I'm catching some ... Stay warm.

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