Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I suppose most people would rake these leaves off their lawn, or dispose of them in some way. I like to just leave them - in fact, I enjoy looking at them! I have found that when the snow covers it all up, that the leaves have more or less rotted by the time the snow melts off in the spring. So why bother? I think they look pretty on the ground.

Here is a leaf I photographed laying on my roof. Taken from the upstairs window. I like taking these kind of photos.

It's been pretty nice all day, and has now started to rain, mixed with snow. Nice!

Barrie and Kasey have gone to Idaho Falls today to buy dog food at Sam's Club. The last load has lasted her a long time, because she has been able to supplement with so much meat from different sources. But she needs to feed the kibble also.

Barrie did another training run with her dogs this morning. I started keeping track of each dog's miles in July on an Excel spreadsheet. She is training 16 dogs, and they will all reach 250 miles this week.

I am watching "Judge Judy" on TV. I love her. She is so obnoxious, rude, and insulting to people. What does that say about my personality?

1 comment:

  1. The 'Leaves on Lawn' photo is so colorful & cheerful. JAM
