Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Finished NaNoWriMo

OK, this is it for today. All the news I have, and all that is happening here.

I actually completed putting more than 50,000 words down for the 2009 writing activity. It's been kind of fun, and I might try it again next year. There have been 1,708,584,120 words written collectively around the world by the participants. I'm not sure I can even read that number. Is that over one trillion? Really big number!

Yeah, it's supposed to be a novel, but it is more or less rambling disjointed and unorganized. If a person is really going to attempt something like this, probably should have a detailed plan and outline. That is, if you are serious about it.

Oh well,


  1. That's a lot of writing in a short time for you. Did you get writer's cramps? An any rate, congratulations on the completion.


  2. Congrats!! That was a big project. Are you going to post your "novel" to your blog? :)

