Saturday, November 28, 2009

If you were a cat, where would you hide it?

Happy Birthday to Sally!

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I heard a lot of noise downstairs, and Kat came up with this in her mouth. She was hissing and puffing and growling like a lion in the jungle.

Of course the mouse was still alive and she had to torture and play with it. It got away and went under the chair and up inside it. I tipped the chair up, and it took Kat about an hour to catch it again.
Usually she catches her mice during the night and leaves them in the middle of the floor for me. She had been worried I would take it away from her before she was through playing with it, and I have no idea where she put it. I have looked under the bed with a flashlight and in all the corners and behind things.
They don't stink too long, do they?

I had the big lens on the camera after taking pictures of deer the other day, and I decided to take a picture of the moon. Our air must be pretty clear right now.


  1. She never eats them. She was not raised by a mother cat, so no one taught her to eat mice. I raised her on a bottle, and I ate very few mice!

