Monday, November 16, 2009


It's Monday! I wonder what happened to Sunday?

Cick on images for a larger view

I decided I would post this today even though it's not finished. Or none of you will believe I am really working on something. I can't tell what color eyes Tank has from her photograph. Barrie says they are brown, but there are a million shades of brown.

Seeing something on the computer screen really helps me see where my mistakes are. I've looked at it in a mirror, and that's good too. But there's something about seeing it on the screen.


I hope things hold together around here. Last night Barrie said the refrigerator had quit. We fiddled with the dials and temperature settings, and I kicked it once for good measure. About half an hour later, it turned on and seems to be fine again. I don't even know if this refrigerator has coils on the back - the newer ones don't, do they? This is a small frig, and just barely fits into the space that was built for it. It's really hard to pull out, but maybe we better. If it has coils, they haven't been cleaned in ten years or so.

The furnace would not turn on this morning. Brrr! We had someone come check it out last fall. He showed me a "thingie", a round plastic thing, which I assume covers something else. He showed me how to jiggle it. He said if it kept doing that, I should have it replaced. Well, I went down to the basement this morning, took the front cover off, and jiggled the little thing. And the furnace came on.

Then I came up looking forward to a hot cup of coffee. Barrie had made coffee, and the pot was just sitting there. The light turned on, and the digital clock was working, but it was not making coffee.

Barrie took Kasey to the clinic today - another ear infection! She took my travel mug with her and brought me home a big cup of hot coffee.

I went to the basement and rummaged around and found another coffee pot. Don't even know if it works for sure, but I brought it up and will get it cleaned up today. I also found another coffee pot on a shelf in the dark corner. I have no idea where that one came from. I really think people break into my basement. They don't take things - they leave things. That's what my mother used to say about their "other house".


  1. Wonderful picture of Tank! It sure sounds like it is "one of those days" or weeks. Hope not. JAM

  2. If you go to your site, then enlarge the photo. Then go to the lower right corner of the site you will see (+100%) with a little down arrow there. Click on the little arrow and it will bring up a bunch of different sizes. They will run from 50% to 400%. Click on the 400% and you will be able to see her light brown eyes very clearly. When you down just click on the 400% and it will return to 100%
