Thursday, November 5, 2009


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Look what I did to myself! I am much better looking than in the photo Judi posted of me today. Can you see me in there?

Judi was showing us fractual images on a computer at Rendezvous Pointe yesterday. I used one of the pictures Judi posted of me today, and did this on my computer with my Paint Shop Pro program. It's called the kaleidoscope filter. I'm not sure what anyone would use this for, but it's kind of fun to play with.

I received the new color ink tank for my HP printer yesterday, and my printer liked it. So I printed out about 65 cards this morning. Now I have to go back on EBay and decide if I really want to try to sell cards there. Can you tell I am less than enthused about it?

Barrie and Kasey went up to get flu shots today. I think they were going to go buy a new fish for the aquarium afterward.

Kasey played hookey today and went with her mom out to the dog lot to feed. I'm amazed at how many of the names of the dogs she can remember and tell me about. I wish I had taken a picture of her face before Barrie washed it. She was playing in water and dirt.


  1. That fractal is amazing! I love it, but all I can make out is what looks like a curtain! JAM

  2. You can buy aquarium fish in Pinedale???? Where? JAM
