Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I finished this painting yesterday. The whole thing is an experiment/accident. I had a color of blue I had never used before, so I used it to paint the sky. Then, while the sky was still wet, I used a rusty brown mixture to put in a horizon line. Well, the sky was TOO wet, and the brown mixture bloomed up into the sky area. I had accidentally made trees. So I added more color and some branches.
I intended to practice painting rocks in the foreground, and they resemble turtles. Oh well. This was kind of fun piece to do - No pressure and not like my usual fussy picky method of painting.

I went to Ridley's today. Gosh, I've been twice in the last two weeks now!! I had planned to make lasagna, and didn't have any lasagna noodles. I had every other kind though. We were also out of ketchup, When I got home with the groceries, I found a brand new bottle of ketchup in the very back of the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.

Also loaded some things in the back of the truck for the recycling center, and will take it tomorrow.

I stayed up way too late reading last night. I finished the John Grisham novel "Testimonial". I had read it before, but it was so long ago that it all seemed new.

Tracy just finished the first book Jerry Spence wrote and says she is going to send it to me. She liked it - he told about his growing up, his college years, his marriage to Ann, and their kids, and his early law practice. That was about the time I knew him. He divorced Ann and was getting weird - I was going to college in Laramie and needed a mattress for Tracy in the apartment I had rented with another woman and her little girl. Jerry loaned me a mattress. Tracy wet the bed a couple of times. I always thought it would be good for her to tell people that she peed on Jerry Spence's bed.


  1. Your paintings work...I have always liked wet on wet..

  2. I like those rocks in the foreground. Adds nice interest. I'll bet Tracy is just delighted to read your blog today - she'll probably copy & paste that story on her blog! Yeah, right....JAM
