Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yeah! Coffee

Yeah! The coffee pot came yesterday. I put water and grounds in it last night, and set it to brew a pot of coffee at 9:00 this morning. It tasted so good! Barrie says she doesn't want to even touch it because it has too many buttons. I agree, and need to read the instruction book that came with it, that is, if I can find the part of the book that is written in English. It has buttons for "gourmet", "clean", and "TSB", some other buttons. I didn't get all these mysterious features on purpose. I just wanted a coffee pot that would turn on at the programmed time, and most important, one that would turn itself off. I really hate the smell of burned coffee!

Funny painting. This is a little 4: x 5" study I did to practice snow. I thought the colors turned out OK, but how did I get the little stream at that angle? Don't know if I can fix it or not, but I may use this scene for a larger painting - without tilting the stream.

I straighted and cropped the image on my computer, and it sure makes a difference!

It is trying to snow a little today. Gloomy and a little windy, too.

1 comment:

  1. You can do such fun things with Photo Shop. Yes, it does look better after you un-tilted it. JAM
