Saturday, December 12, 2009


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I tried this little painting for fun last night. It is just 4" x 6" in the little book that came with my plein air painting kit. This paper/paint combination doesn't do much with the effect of salt on it while still damp.

Barrie sprained her wrist yesterday, and put algyval and vet wrap on it. So Kasey had to have some vet wrap too. Kasey didn't leave hers on long.

Watching "Peep" on my laptop in the motel room

This is what happens when you forget to bring along books for a child. She reads the bible!

* * * * * * *
Sure hope we don't have to spend the rest of the winter in West. Snowing and blowing, and more is predicted for the next week.

1 comment:

  1. What? You haven't made her a book in the motel yet? I can see it already....Kasey is 2. She likes to feed the dogs. She plays with Kat. She goes camping with mom. She is a good dancer. She paints with Gramma....JAM
