Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Barrie was quick with her camera last night. She was at the computer, and Kasey was rearranging her ornaments on the tree. Then she heard Kasey talking to the cat, looked up, and this is what she saw. Her camera was right beside her, and she got two shots of this scene before Kat ducked back in the tree.

You would think that someone who lived in the snow all her life would be able to paint it. Not!

Here's how to solve the problem - just crop the snow off.

Sure wish we had snow, but now I hope it waits a while. I am leaving over the Pass for Shoshoni tomorrow. Barrie and Kasey aren't able to come until Saturday morning. Paul and Tracy will be there (at my brother and sister-in-law's house) plus Bill and Alice's three kids and their families. Looking forward to a long overdue gathering of the whole family!
Merry Christmas, Everyone!


  1. Merry Christmas Duene! I changed my blog to private so I'll be glad to invite you if you'll send me your email... to

    Merry christmas, Luv Sally

  2. You and Gina have the funniest cats. Great picture, Barrie. JAM

  3. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
