Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday - growing tomatoes?

I've never seen anything like this before. We were fixing hamburgers last night, and I started to slice this tomato. I about freaked out - I thought it was full of little white worms! But the seeds were sprouting and starting to grow. I think I'll leave it on the counter for a few days just to see what happens.

(Private to Judi - do we know any small child who would like to take this to school for show and tell?)

I'm not sure, but I think this person used to be on the old "Gunsmoke" shows as a sidekick to Festus. Or maybe she was in the "Beverly Hillbillies."
The snow is melting up country. Barrie has been trying to work on the trail up there - like shoveling snow in the cattleguads. If we don't get snow soon, It is really going to hurt the Stage Stop Sled Dog Race. It's not just here - the whoe state needs snow so badly.
The watercolor of my house bit the dust today - a total failure. I'll try again.


  1. Ah, yes, memorable Show & Tells! Interesting tomato! Wouldn't PJM at OPOD like to have that hat picture! Well, I guess it's not so old, but she sure is cute. JAM

  2. those tomatoes look gross!!! Don't know if I could eat them or not!!!!

  3. We didn't eat them, Sally. They are sitting on the kitchen counter for now to see what develops.
