Saturday, January 2, 2010


This is a rather comical picture. Kat appears to be a mighty hunter, all ready to pounce on that bird and kill it. Ears are back, eyes squinted, and tail is twitching. The funny thing is, Kat has never been close to a bird becauses she won't go outside. The only times she has been out, she stands on her hind feet at the door and cries to get back in.

I don't know who to blame for this bad cold I have, but I'm miserable. I heard on "Willy's Place" on XM radio yesterday that you are supposed to have black eyed peas on New Year's Day. I don't remember where this tradition came from (sounds southern) but maybe that's why I came down with a cold. I didn't have my black eyed peas.

Also read on Judith Angell Meyers' blog that if my laundry is not caught up on New Year's Eve, it will never be caught up for the entire year. Boy, am I in trouble. No black eyed peas and a pile of dirty laundry!

I worked a whole day on the turkey carcass and made a big pot of turkey soup. It was terrible, and I convinced Barrie that it would make a good healthy addition to her dog food mixture for her sled dogs. Why don't I just quit trying to cook? Frozen pizzas and TV dinners are good.


  1. Hope you are better soon. I had a nasty sore throat in Ohio, but it was only bad for a couple days. See ya soon! JAM

  2. I hope you get better real soon. Happy New Year!
