Wednesday, January 13, 2010


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I enjoyed painting with the Mixed Media Group yesterday. I finished this drawing of Scortch and made quite a bit of progress on the moose.

Today our watercolor group met at Rendezvouse Pointe. We had fun, as usual. Conley is working on a painting of blackbirds that is going to be awesome. I started a painting of my house, but didn't get far on it. Conley, Helen, Barbara, Vicky, Lenore, Judi and I were there. Rendezvous Pointe has a new photo printer set up in the art room. Beth and Helen printed some photos on it today.

I got some new colored pencils today. Yeah, like I needed more. These are called "Inktense" and are water soluble. I'll experiment with them this afternoon.

These books are made for walking - - - backwards?


  1. Never, never... never -
    have enough art supplies.
    More colored pencils...
    MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  2. Kasey almost looks like she got caught doing something she should not be doing, besides wearing the boots.

    My wife is the same way about quilting supplies.
    Never have enough material to cut into small pieces and then sew back together.
