Wednesday, January 20, 2010


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This is the goard my sister-in-law gave me for Christmas. It's about 7 inches tall and 9 inches wide. Alice was mean to me - she gave me a choice of about ten different goards, and it was so hard to choose.

Kasey fingerpainting.
Thanks to those of you who offered advice and offered the use of a mouse for my computer. Actually, I've already tried that. I have an extra cordless Logitec, and the driver software installed just fine, but still no curser movement. I don't mind using a track pad and don't want to have to pack a mouse if I go somewhere, or even from room to room.

Judi gave me the name and number of the guy who keeps the computers running at Rendezvous Pointe, and I will call him.

Our painting group was fun this morning. Lots of laughter, and Vicky once again brought wonderful treats to eat.

I'm going to finish my moose drawing today or die trying! (Just kidding)

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