Friday, February 12, 2010


There were several comments about my laptop and Kat. Just for the record, Kat does NOT try to use the computer. That is about the only thing she doesn't bother. My roll of paper towels at the watercolor table is usually shredded. She takes my erasers unless I remember to put them in the plastic container with a tight lid. And my days of doing jigsaw puzzles are gone forever.

I don't have any pictures to post today, so I snagged a few from the "funny photo of the day" page I get on Google.

Wonder if my cat would stretch out this far?

Do dogs look like their owners?

This cat is using the computer. Looks like he might be watching porn!

I think this a watercolor kind of day.

1 comment:

  1. That remark about KAT was meant as a joke, hence the LOL at the end.
