Friday, March 12, 2010

happy Birthday Bro

Yesterday was my big brother's birthday, and I called him last night. We always argue about how old we are. It used to be easier to remember how old I am! Alice, my sister in law, is two weeks younger than I am, so she is able to give me a bad time every year for a while, about how old I am!

I'm not even sure where they are right now. Arizona, maybe? They have a large motor home and pull a small pickup and are snowbirds. They love it.

Bill and Alice. This was taken at the time she was voted Agriculture Woman of the Year in Fremont County.
Bill, dancing with his oldest grandchild at her wedding.

Reading to the two youngest grandchildren. Bill won't wear shorts or short sleeved shirts, but as you can see, he loves wild colored and patterned western shirts.


Barrie has been busy organizing the Pinedale Classic Sled Dog Race for this weekend. The race has had to be postoned twice, first for lack of snow, and the second time because of a conflict with some other activity on the trail. The woman who was in charge of putting it on has more or less just quit, and has left everything up to Barrie.
She has been working on the trail for quite a while, and it is in good shape. She had to find volunteers to be out on the trail, and to help with the start, and time the race. She says she has everything organized.
Should be a good race.

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