Friday, March 5, 2010


The 2010 Iditarod Race starts tomorrow in Anchorage. It doesn't usually get very much covereage down here, but it is a big deal in Alaska. The Iditarod web site does a pretty good job posting news and updates on the race as it goes along. And we are subscribed to "The Iditarod Insider", which means we can watch a streaming video of the race start and other videos, and keep track of the mushers by GPS tracking.

A good friend of Barrie's is entered this year, Chris Adkins from Montana. He texted Barrie last night to tell her he had drawn No. 33 for the start, which is right in the middle of the pack. I think there are 72 teams entered this year.

So those of you who follow the race, be rooting for Chris!

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