Sunday, March 28, 2010


More Closet Pictures

This is another picture I took the day Tracy was baptised. She was not impressed with Father Zumach. The couple was Tracy's Godparents. If I hadn't written their name on the back, I wouldn't know who they were.

This picture shows the living room of our cabin at Ragged Mountain. Notice the bookshelf in front of the window. I had forgotten all about it until I saw it in this picture. I actually made that! I used some pieces of quakie branches with beaver teeth markings and some old barn wood. It was pretty wobbly.

There is a blue balloon by the telephone. Tracy kept wanting to call "Toby" on the phone, and we kept a balloon by the phone so she would leave it alone. She was terrified of balloons.

"Toby" was the old bachelor hired man who lived in a cabin down at the main ranch house.

Kind of jumping around in time here. I found an envelope in the box of old pictures, and this ticket to the bull fight in Juarez. I was in the University Marching Band, and we were at the Sun Bowl in El Paso. The bull fight was lots of fun. It was "amateur day," I think, and lots of scared would-be bullfighters turned and ran. I"m sure they didn't kill the bull.

A friend of mine read an article long ago about a famous bull fighter. He had grown up in poverty, and almost lived on oranges they picked off the trees around his house. As a result, his stomach was messed up, and he ended up with a permanent case of diarrhea. I'm not sure I believe this story. Think about it - a bull fighter with diarrha?


  1. Our first set of furniture was quite similar to yours. I saw one of our old end tables at Shara's house when I was in Ohio. It's older than she is. Sturdy stuff. JAM

  2. Balloons still give me the creeps...
