Monday, April 5, 2010


Barrie took Kasey to see "How to Train Your Dragon" yesterday, her first movie. Kasey was so wound up! She can't say "theater", so she told me she watched TV in a BIG house. Then she chattered about the dragon's tail, and Hiccup. And she told me Mom ate the pine cones all up. She meant popcorn. I think her mouth was going faster than her brain.


I don't have any new pictures, so am posting one I took in the summer time. This trailer was parked down the street in the back part of the old Z's Inn lot. There were two mules, and two young girls. This girl worked and worked to get the mule loaded, and he was stubborn. The horse trailer had been unhitched and no adults were around.

When I looked out the window some time later, the trailer, mules and girls were all gone. I presumed the parents had come back.

Something interesting going on down at B&B Yamaha. Someone is cleaning up around the place! They've hauled off several big trailer loads of "stuff" from behind the building. I've never seen it cleaned up before. I wonder if someone bought it.

Yes, I know everyone hates the snow. But it sure is pretty out there.


  1. I don't see a 2 X 4 any where around there.
    You know you are suppose to hit them between the eyes with a 2 X 4 first to get their attention, then they will do what you want them to do.

  2. Barb is leasing B&B to Bo Jean & her husband. They are going to raise plants out at the ranch & then sell them at the B&B location. Nice arrangement for all. JAM

  3. I meant BEAU. I know better. JAM

  4. wow, that's a great photo!!!!!!
