Monday, April 26, 2010


Wind River Queen
Judi mentioned the boat that used to be at Half Moon Lake. I went back through my photos and found a picture I had taken of it on a snowy day in November. It had been pulled out of the lake and was parked along the road up above. The sign says "Wind River Queen,"

Another picture I took that same day up above Half Moon. It was so beauiful that day, and just about the end of the fall colors.

I am cooking beans in the pressure cooker to make chili today. Not sure why I got the urge to make chili, but I have it started. I have a recipe from my "stepdaughter-in-law" that calls for a can of beer, and some chorizo sausage, among lots of other ingredients.


  1. Great pictures! Thanks for the follow-up. I love it when one thing leads to another like that. Wind River Queen. Now we have the name. We actually did the dinner cruise once - Rance bought it for us. Very nice. Glad we had the chance. JAM

  2. Thanks for the invite for chili. Just let Judi and I know what time to show up. I'll bring the beer. rwm
