Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday Kasey was drawing on the rocks with her sidewalk chalk. Today, her artwork is covered in snow, and she is wearing boots.



I needed a bookmark last night and came across these. I had brought them home from the mushers' banquet when the Stage Stop was in Pinedale.

Those of you who know me know that I love children's art work. These are delightful. I especially like the bottom one. The girl musher is really having a good time. I think she's on something.


  1. And those musher fingers in the first one! Yes, they are delightful. JAM

  2. That snow is Barrie's fault. You can't tempt the Snow Gods like she did and get away with very often.

    You did say if Chloe stuck around to be petted by Kasey.

    I suppose that after that harrowing afternoon Kat won't go outside again.
