Friday, May 7, 2010


This gives the term "Home Delivery" a whole new meaning!
My friend Heidi sent me some "homeless" pictures. Very creative panhandling.

Ah, the XM radio is broadcasting! Let's see, that only took two days, didn't it? Dumby me. My old radio transmitted wirelessly to my home stereo systems. All I had to do was make sure the stereo was set to the same frequency as the radio.

So when I saw the "FM" button on the new radio, of course I knew what it was for. The directions even said to set the radio to the same frequency as the stereo/radio. Nothing could be simpler.

I finally find that the radio will transmit to a car stereo system, but not your home stereo. That doesn't make sense. Anyway, I dug through my tangled collection of cords, connections, etc. and found the right cable. I plug it into the "Auxillary" on both, and it works.

Someday I am going to have a "wireless" home! The tangle of cables and wires behind computers, TVs, stereos, etc. is a nightmare.

The snow has melted in the yard except in the shade. This should really make my lawn grow!


  1. You're just having too much fun with that XM radio. rwm

  2. I didn't buy it to have "fun" with it. I just wanted to listen to it, like the old one. But nothing is ever somple!
