Monday, May 17, 2010


Gina said she got a complaint because she posted no pictures. Well, I have nothing to post today. It's getting pretty bad when all I have is this satire about meetings. Maybe someone will find it humorous. Kind of reminds me of my teaching days. Iwonder if Hank called a lot of meetings when he was Sheriff?

Barrie gave two dogs from her dog lot baths today. I didn't go out and take pictures.

Barrie helped me get the destop Dell tower to the senior center today, and Mike K. will pick it up there and hopefully get it repaired. I'm sure its still under warranty, but I will never, ever, ever ever again even try to deal with Dell technical support. At least I have been faithful about backing up the hard drive on that computer.

Got e-mail from Pam in Montana today. Sounds like some things she is enjoying, and some she is not! Hang in there. We sure miss her in art group.

My TV is missing me. My XM radio and books and drawing are taking up all my time.

1 comment:

  1. I see that nobody's hit counters are working this morning (Tuesday). Well, it was fun while it lasted. JAM
