Saturday, May 1, 2010


I scanned a few more of the old black and white negatives yesterday.

I painted this guy's portrait once in pastels, and am going to do another one. A perfect subject for a portrait. He could be a mountain man, or a fisherman, or a prospector.

Nostalgia! This is Madelaine and Floyd in a Rendezvous pageant.

I wonder where this place is? Would like to go back and take more pictures, if it's still there.


Some more quotes. Two of them are from movies, one is not:

"Who's on first?"

"I don't think he's gonna' apologize."

"There's no crying in baseball."


A friend posted on Facebook - "I hate it when I don't forward a chain letter and I die the next day."


  1. Your rendezvous shot makes me want to scan one of my folks in the rendezvous out at Daniel.

  2. 1 Abbot and Castilo routine.
    2 Caan't place this one
    3 Tom Hanks in "A League of their own"

  3. Was #2 from Thelma and Louise?

  4. That old homestead is interesting. Trying to line up the mountains. That big dip in the skyline looks like a pass someone should know. New Fork Lakes Canyon? JAM

  5. Yes, the first one was Abbot and Costello, second was from "Thelma and Louise", and the last one was "A League of Their Own."

  6. What was Mad's horse's name? It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember.

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