Thursday, May 27, 2010


An old picture I found and scanned. This is Tracy Taylor (used to live out on Pole Creek Road). She stopped to visit Tracy and me on her way to a job interview in Rock Springs. She was a teacher. She went to her interview on her Harley and wearing her leathers. She got the job.

Fancy Hot Dogs

I found a recipe for "Fancy Hot Dogs". It sounded really good, so I made it today. It has hot dogs, onions, noodles and sour cream.

Do you know you can dump something like this in a colander and use your sink sprayer to wash all the sour cream off?

Hmmm - what terrible thing shall I cook tomorrow?


  1. Cute picture of you! JAM

  2. One time when I made a potato salad, the lid came off the pepper....I did the same thing, put it all in a colander and washed it off and started over.

