Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Nothing happening here except the wind is blowing. That's nothing new. I don't think the wind used to blow like this in Pinedale, because if it always did, I wouldn't still be living here!

Judi mentioned how B&B Yamaha is being cleaned up. Is it ever! I've lived behind the place for almost 40 years, and have never seen the ground there until recently. There must have been tons of old snow machines and pieces and parts, and old motor bikes, sometimes old cars and boats. When they ran out of room in the back yard of the place, they stacked things along the street on both sides of the building.


More nostalgia. Tracy was flower girl at Mad's and Stan's wedding. That was a wedding to remember!

Another road sign.

My doves are back. Every year for the past four years or so, a pair of doves arrives and set up housekeeping near my house somewhere. They like to sit in the sun on my fence. I can't be sure they are the same pair every year, but I like to think they are.


  1. Well, you are right about my Square Top picture not being quite straight! Hmmmm. Not sure if I even want to try to straighten it up. Picasa is strange sometimes.

    Somewhere I heard or read that Chief Washakie was offered Jackson Hole for the Shoshone reservation & he said it was too cold there. Then he was offered the Green River Valley & he said the wind never stopped blowing there. And then he took the Lander-Riverton area.

  2. Good Grief! That's why they call it the Wind River Valley! The wind blows so hard in Riverton that I wouldn't be able to live there.

    Remind me to tell you a story about Washakie and his potato patch.
