Thursday, June 3, 2010


There are some very dark clouds in the sky. Sure looks like rain.

More birthday for Kasey. She sure knows what presents are, and wasted no time ripping into it. Her grandad brought a package from Kelly last night.

This is one of those fabric frisbees that folds up. When I asked Kasey to read me what it said, she said "I love sled dogs."

Kasey was in the bath tub when Chuck got here, so her hair is wet.

Grandpa got down on the floor and played with her. He made something with four legs, and Kasey insisted it was a spider.

Another quote from Facebook:
"I asked some people if there are too many illegal aliens in the US. 17% said yes. 23% said no. the other 60% said, "no habla ingles.""


Someone mentioned "downtown Farson" not long ago. I hear people use that term a lot, and it always makes me laugh. Is there some more Farson that I don't know about? Just where is "downtown Farson" and how do I know if I'm there?

Barrie and I were eating at the old Oregon Trail Cafe in Farson once. Some women and kids were sitting at another table. One little boy was acting up, his mother asked him "Do you want a spanking?" Barrie and I got started giggling and couldn't stop. Think about it. How many kids are going to say "Yes?" And I'm sure we've all said that to our kids at some time.

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