Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I wonder what happened to Monday?

This old tree is at the Homestead Living Center in Riverton, where my Mom lived the last few years of her life. I think it's a Golden Willow.

After a little "Photoshopping", this is what I ended up with. I had another one that showed the entire tree, minus buildings and street signs. But now I can't find that one.

I am trying to motivate myself to paint, so went through some old pictures today for a reference picture that I liked. Found this picture I took of Fremont Peak a couple years ago. Don't know if it motivates me to paint it or not, but sure is a beautiful view.
I sent Barrie to the grocery store yesterday with a signed check. Yea! I love it when she takes care of things like that. She won't buy meat at Ridley's. We get meat from Specialy Meats, and Bruce has so much else in there now that you shouldn't have to go to Ridley's very often.
I'm stilll writing, and have signed up for an online fiction writing class through CWC. I should never have taken part in that NaNoWriMo activity last fall. I'm writing and neglecting my art work.

The Prime Country Chanel on my XM radio has been playing a couple of songs over and over again : "She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy", and "Pickup Man" (as in pickup truck.)

This morning I listened to a song called "I Hate Everything." And following that, they played a song with the lyrics "I love my truck, I like my girlfriend, and I love this bar."

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard the song "I'd like to check you for ticks?" I thought maybe you were going to start a new game.....name this song. JAM
