Monday, June 21, 2010


I couldn't upload anything to Blogger yesterday, so I finally just gave up.

Kasey is eating a lemon that came with my meal.

A Toston dog. A very mellow one.

Three more of the old buildings I photographed in Toston.
I think I mentioned that Barrie packs enough food for an army when we travel. One thing she brought was beef jerky, and it was so good. Yesterday I had her buy a roast, and I am now drying some jerky in my dehydrator. Hope it is good.

Barrie brought one of her sled dogs to town, gave him a bath and brushed him. Then she left him tied to the swing set outside her bedroom window all night. She said he was quiet all night, and woke her up about 5 minutes before her alarm went off. Our neighbor Tara said she thought we were yodelling.


For Judi - when we were driving up Ogden Mountain, which is where Barrie used to live in Montana, she said the area has a lot of Morrel mushrooms. They used to bring large crews of Vietnamese in to hunt them.

Speaking of Ogden Mountain, I told Kasey her Mom and the sled dogs used to live there. Kasey said "No, the sled dogs are at home." I told her again they used to live on the mountain, and she said "No, that's Jarvi and Shorty and Maddy."

I have found you can't win an argument with Kasey. We spent three days arguing about a pond, or a lake, or a river, or a puddle. She never would admit there was water in a pond.


  1. Wow. Bringing in Vietnamese to hunt morels? Talk about revealing your secret hunting grounds. Someone told us the USFS is requiring permits to hunt them because so many people came in after the fires of '88 and made a profit collecting them.

  2. That look on Kasey's face made me pucker.
