Saturday, August 21, 2010


Now playing on XM Radio - nothing. I'm trying to fix the TV

Kasey, enjoying the beaches of Pinedale this morning. My red hollyhock is in bloom.

Barrie and Kasey went to garage sales this morning. Kasey got some more dress-up shoes, a plastic blow-up talking chair, some bongo drums, and a new hat. Barrie got her this obnoxious "Pop Pop" toy. Remember those? They make a terrible racket when the kid pushes them across the floor. Barrie said it was going to be an outdoor toy, and Kasey discovered she could fill it with water and the little balls would float.

I have no idea what this vine is. I'm sure it's a bad weed. I've had it in my yard for years and have tried to get rid of it. This year we just let it grow. I kind of like it.

All the dogs are waiting for Barrie to throw a ball.

Computers! I wonder if our Pinedale power has something to do with all the problems I have. This morning I found that the cordless keyboard on my big desktop is dead. Last time I needed batteries, I needed AA, and all we had was AAA. Today, you guessed it. I need AAA and all we have are AA. Barrie found me two batteries in the basement, but she said they might not be good. Keyboard still doesn't work.

I have had to go to "Setup" to get that computer to run. It wanted to boot from a CD and I had to change it every time. This morning, it tried to boot from the CD drive, then immediately switched to the hard drive. Now what caused that? I didn't change anything.

Now my laptop computer tells me a battery is not detected. I unplugged it from the power, and sure enough, the battery is dead. So I guess I had better find out what battery it takes and order one. I think those things are expensive.

Yesterday I ordered a mesh stand to put under the laptop because I thought it was getting really hot. I'll probably find ashes in the battery compartment when I open it.

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