Saturday, August 28, 2010


All last night and again this morning, it rained and rained. I love the sound of it on my metal roof.

I've seen some blackbirds gathering together in a flock, being very noisy and arguing about who gets to be the leader when they leave.

There are some yellow leaves around, and my caragana bushes are popping their seed pods and scattering seeds so Barrie can kill them next year. It's interesting when the ones by the garage roof start to throw their seeds. They pop off on the metal roof, making a "ping" sound when they hit, then they roll down the roof, "pinging" as they go. It's very noisy!

Unless my chokecherries hurry up, they've not going to get ripe before it freezes.

This does not look good. When this first showed up on the ground under the big pine tree, Barrie had just removed some branches, and I thought it was sawdust. But yesterday I notice it's all around the trunk, and also under the second pine tree.

And this is what the bark looks like. It appears the bark beetles have found my trees.

Maddy helped me inspect the yard yesterday. She looks very worried about the bark beeetles.

This stump, or what's left of it, is in the back yard. It's not beavers, it's not bark beetles. Looks like the work of Maddy.

1 comment:

  1. Up here is Grand Forks, we have already made our jelly from the chokecherries. The unpicked ones have shriveled up and fallen off the branches.
    To bad about your pine tree. Csn't anything you ca do to get rid of the bark bettles?
