Monday, September 20, 2010


Now playing on XM Radio, Margaritaville Channel: Jimmy Buffett "Jolly Mon"

The Mystery Jar
Maddy brought this jar to Barrie. She dug it up somewhere in the yard. Looks mysterious, doesn't it? I don't remember where it was buried, but I know exactly what's in it. It's a dead parakeet, wrapped in a piece of white fabric. One of what Tracy calls "our disposable pets" that died many years ago. I doubt if I'll take the lid off, and it's probably rusted on anyway.

I cut my chives back to the dirt a week ago. It's growing fast.

Judi got such a good photo of the old house out on the Horse Creek Road. This is the best one I was able to get! I'll have Judi tell me more about the place when I see her.

Some lights were on downstairs at 4:30 this morning, so I assume Barrie went out to run dogs. When I got up at 9:00, she and Emily were in the kitchen making oatmeal. I thought they were going to grind meat in our garage, but they did that yesterday. I'm going to have to get up earlier to keep up around here.


  1. I was at the Thrift Basket today & forgot all about getting a pot for my chives. I have to bring one bunch inside for year-round use!

  2. it was pretty funny when you offered us frozen shrimp for breakfast:)

  3. Hey, I wasn't quite awake yet, and thought Emily would be there for the day. Just thought she might like the shrimp.
