Monday, October 18, 2010

Now playing on my iPod, Nancy Sinatra, "Boots".

Hmmm - I was prom queen in this town, about a hundred years ago.

The dance student.
I just made curry white sauce with hard boiled eggs in it, and ate it over rice. I don't know anyone else who will eat that, but I love it.

The National Novel Writing Month is starting in November. I did it last year, and am planning on doing it again this year.


  1. I'd love to see a picture of Shoshoni's Prom Queen from about 100 years ago.

  2. i love the gummy peaches if that is what the candy is.
    i have made a white sauce with sliced hard boiled eggs and put it over steamed spinach. only way i got some of my family to eat spinach.
    enjoy your blog.. don't get on it too much but love it anyway.
