Monday, November 15, 2010


Now playing on XM, Tim McGraw, "Living on Refried Dreams".

I've been looking through my new book of William Matthews watercolor cowboys. Love the way he paints hats. Anyway, I kept thinking I had done a pencil drawing of a cowboy, way back in the past. So I went on a search in my basement (the scariest place on earth) and sure enough, found this guy lurking down there. It's about 11x 14. I really think I could draw better back then than I do now.

This guy was standing talking to Stan Murdock while watching the team weight pull at one of winter carnivals we used to have. I took his picture. Have no idea who he is. Wonder if I could do a watercolor and put a Williams Matthews type hat on him?

I found this pencil drawing in the basement too.


Ah, success in the kitchen! I made a big pot of potato soup last night. That's a little hard to ruin. Leslie (my stepdaughter) called me not long ago and asked me if I put noodles in my potato soup. (I do.) That's the way Leslie's and Tracy's dad made it, and we decided he learned it from her Grandmother, his mother-in-law.

Roger asked about Kat. Really, she is totally harmless. Once in a while KC gets scratched, but usually Kat doesn't even have her claws out. I think her weird behavior stems from the fact that she never had litter mates to play with. She will race across the floor and leap through the air and land on my foot, and act like she is tearing me apart.


  1. Great pencil drawing of the horses.

    I guess my attempt to make "funny" about Kat failed.
    All cats have a goofy personality about them.
    I had a cat that loved to crawl up in my lap and be petted and loved, but only if it was her idea. If you picked her up and tried to pet her, she would wanted down right now But then she would turn around and climb right back up into my lap wanting to be petted.

  2. I love both of your pencil sketches. You are so talented.
