Friday, November 5, 2010


Now playing on my iPod Marty Robbins "The Hanging Tree".

Barrie took KC down to Tara Bolgiana for a Halloween photo. Tara is an old (I mean former) student of mine and is a very talented photographer. Her studio (and home) are right across the street from me. It was very busy that day, as Tara invites the public in for free Halloween pictures.

Check her work out at her web site.

Another funny picture from the Internet. This makes me giggle. It was a windy day in Ireland.

Maybe you remember the "boot tree" in Montana I photographed. This picture is of a Texas style "boot tree".

I ordered a book of William Matthews watercolors of cowboy portraits. The price for a new one on Amazon was over $200. I found a used one for $15.


  1. I like your MT Boot Tree better. These all look painted silver. YUCK.
    Love the picture of King Kasey.

  2. Yeah, they do look painted. And the tree looks dead. I bet it's in someone's yard. The Montana boot tree was out on a two track dirt road in a timbering area. I was amazed we even found it.
