Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This buck is looking a little tired. He has been chasing does up and down the ditchbank behind my house. Don't know where his girls were when he showed up yesterday. He walked up into the trees and started thrashing his antlers around, breaking off small branches. Then he wandered off.

KC hung out with me yesterday afternoon while Barrie finished a house she was cleaning. She brought her snacks and water up. She entertained me with her "Scarlett O'hara" persona, rolling her eyes, tilting her head, and flipping her hand, telling me someone was just "soooo stupid". I won't say who.

Ahh, self discipline. Of course I can do it. I have been kind of wanting a new camera. The new DSLR cameras will take videos. I really want one. So here is the deal I am making with myself. If I can sell two cameras and some accessories on EBay, I can have the new one.


  1. Wait a second! What cameras are you selling? I might be interested!


  2. Do it! I made myself the same deal - Last week I sold all my Minolta and Sony equipment, and bought a new Canon DSLR and two lenses. It was a great deal.
