Friday, December 17, 2010


Several years ago while I was taking a lot of pictures, I did these two at Christmas. I think I posted them in a "challenge" in a photo group I was in.


Just sold one camera on EBay. It's all packed up ready to go, and I think I'll just take it to UPS this afternoon. Get it out of the house. Then I will get another camera listed after I decide what to include with it.

Chloe is in the house and wants out. She is upstairs yowling at me, and just tried to jump up in my lap. Better get her outside!


  1. Great photos.
    Isn't Kasey around for Chloe to love. Guess Chloe is missing her other family to much. Did you ever figure out where she goes to when she leaves your place?

  2. I have no idea where Chloe goes. She has a sister who showed up here last summer for a day or two. They both look well fed.

    This is Kasey's weekend to be gone with the other parent - visitation rules.

  3. So I suppose that Chloe wanted to leave because Kasey wasn't there to love her. To bad Kasey missed out on the loving Chloe.
