Thursday, December 23, 2010


Kasey got her dress for the upcoming dance recital. She is a girly girl! What happened to that cute little kid in jeans and boots?


I took a movie with my new camera of Kasey dancing around the room. I sort of got a short piece, but am very unsure what to do with it. It is not in the format that plays with Windows Media Player. It is a Quick Time movie. More experimentation. I might try to upload the video tonight, just to see if Blogger will take it.


I wish I had taken my camera to art group with me yesterday. We have so much new work up. Lenore's daughter is here for Christmas, and Lenore brought her granddaughter with her. What a cutie. And she was so good. She is the same age as KC, same size, same brown pony tails.

1 comment:

  1. I thought alarms went off in your truck if it moves & your camera isn't with you!
    Kasey looks so cute.
