Monday, January 3, 2011


Kasey loves to count - especially to ten. If there aren't ten objects to count, she just keeps going to ten anyway.


Bright sunny day, but it's only 2 degrees. Don't know how cold it got last night.

The first camera I listed on EBay sold, and the second one has one bid, so it will be gone too. That will leave me me with just three cameras, plus my compact camera. Now I need to get the video camera listed. Just had to have the darned thing, and have used it very seldom. Don't even know how to use it for sure.

I finished "The Girl Who Played with Fire" last night. I have the next one of the series on my Kindle. Funny how I didn't even like the first book, but really liked the second one. Maybe I should read the first one over again.


I was asked, "Watcha doing today?" I said, "Nothing." they said, "You did that yesterday." I told them, "I WASN'T FINISHED!"

1 comment:

  1. Too funny - "I wasn't finished".
    Kasey is so cute.
