Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Barrie and Will went to see Bob and Charlene. Bob took them fishing, and Barrie stocked up on fish to feed her dogs. I think these are salmon. Bob and Charlene live in Homer, AK. Good fishing there.

A letter to Santa from a very long time ago. She got a "stufft" black cat. We still have it. I think it's one of the animals KC sleeps with.
We had sourdough hot cakes and ham for breakfat. Or maybe it was brunch. I wasn't sure Kasey would like the sourdough, but she had seconds. My sourdough was started well over 100 years ago. Tracy's great grandmother had a starter that has been passed around to everyone in the family.

The old LeClair family ranch was along the Wind River, and the family cemetary is out there. It's on Riverview Road south of Riverton.


  1. Wait a minute. I know Barrie went to Mt. That picture has green stuff in it and MT has winter about like us. I also thought Bobby & Charlene lived in AK. ???
    See ya tomorrow!

  2. This picture was taken in August in AK. Barrie lived up there , came back to Wyo, and went back to AK again, then she moved to Montana.

  3. You say Barrie moved to MT. As in MOVED to Montana. Where in MT? Or is she just up there for a dog race?
