Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am finished with the silverpoint drawing. It's really a practice piece, to see the different effects of hatching, crosshatching, scrumbling, darks and lights, etc. I'm not sure I learned that much. Then I spelled my last name wrong when I signed it.
I'm starting a drawing of quakie trees next.

The silver will tarnish more quickly if the picture is put in sunlight, so I laid it on top of the box in the south window. This picture shows how the silver reflects the sunlight.

It was so great to get back to art group this morning. We had quite a crowd. Judi has left to visit her daughter and family.
Conley has been hanging out with Betty again, and he brought muffins. (Betty Crocker). Lenore is going to leaving soon to visit her daughter in CO, then to Florida.
And Pam is going to be gone again.

Watched a movie yesterday, a rental from Amazon. I have heard of "Last Tango in Paris" for years, so yesterday I watched it. (gag, gag.) I'm not bothered by sex and bad language in movies, but this one was over the edge. Marlon Brandon stars in it. I guess I never did like Marlon Brando much to start with, and like him even less now.

1 comment:

  1. I love your ballet slippers.

    Never saw Last Tango and don't care to and I don't care for Brandon either.
