Monday, March 7, 2011


Barrie posted this on Facebook the other day:

I have done a horrible out the truck one day I had an old icky barbie of kc's in my hand, and in the dumpster it went. I HATE those things! Well she missed it about a month later. Mom did you throw my barbie away?(does she know me or what?) not wanting to fess up i told her maybe when lance and newton borrowed the truck, they accidently grabbed it with their stuff....I should have told the truth.

We found this photo of Newton at the start of the Iditarod in Anchorage. Barrie showed it to Kasey, and Kasey said, "He's got my Barbie!"

Ahem! Drum roll. I cooked last night. And it was good! It was nothing but chile and hot dogs rolled up in four tortillas, and lots of melted cheese on the top.


  1. Shame on you Barrie.

  2. We've all done it Barrie. Shall I keep a look out at the Thrift Basket for homeless Barbies?
    How do kids always remember so much for so long? (except maybe what we try to actually teach them!)

  3. Judi, it is like my cat. If he figures out something that means trouble, he never forgets it. But try to make him do the right thing, and he never seems to learn
