Friday, March 4, 2011

Now playing on XM Radio - Taylor Swift, "White Horse"


KC was upstairs with me, (we were making her mom a birthday card on the computer), and that song came on. Kasey said "Taylor 'Swiff' is my favorite singer." Then she sang along. She knew every word.

Making a card with her was an experience.

"What do you want to write inside the card?"

"Don't you want to write something like 'Happy Birthday to You'?"

She looked at me like I was nuts. "It's not my birthday, it's Momma's."

Well, I did say "to you.."

She went downstairs to get the card out of the printer. She brought it up, we folded it, and I helped her sign it. I told her to take it down and put it on the table to give to Mom the next morning, and not to tell.

As she went downstairs, I heard her tell her Mom, "Momma, you can't see this card until tomorrow."

Okay, what would you do? Would your ankle still hurt if your supper was delivered to you? Fried potatoes, pork chop, and a yummy salad with fresh mushrooms.

Oh, yes! I think my ankle still hurts!


  1. Beautiful plate of food. Would you tell Barry I have a sore ankle?

  2. I think my whole foot is swollen! Beautiful meal. It even smells good.
    Kasey is so adorable!

  3. hai your blog is good

  4. hai your blog is good
