Monday, April 25, 2011


Northern Lights

Tracy sent me these pictures of the Northern Lights, taken in Yellow Knife, Canada. What a gorgeous sight!


I was so optimistic that we were really going to have spring weather, but it is trying to snow again. What? That is spring weather? You're right! What was I thinking?


A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.


Did you know Iceland had a penis museum? Just read about it on the news. Seems they got their first human speciman. If you are visiting Iceland, you may want to put a visit to this place on your schedule. Or maybe not.


  1. I think not.
    I asked Charlie about the 'Kitty Cat' and he had a good time telling me how Kasey drives it faster than Barrie or he can go. LOL I'd love to see a video of Kasey driving it.

  2. That goes for me also. Kasey driving the Kitty kat.

  3. I can't stop laughing about the mouse trap but one should remember about it even when he's asleep or else!
