Saturday, April 9, 2011


Can you see the spider on the ceiling? After fussing around with it a long time, I think Kat finally managed to knock it down. Then she lost it. It will probably be climbing up my leg pretty soon. Yes, I know everyone is sick and tired of the snow. But it makes everything look so PRETTY!
I'm not sure where this picture came from - maybe from a musher in Oregon. That puppy looks pretty happy, but the chick looks disgruntled.


I am reading a book Charm recommended to me - Bird by Bird, Some Instruction on Writing, by Annie Lamott. It's a good book. I also "checked out" another book using Tracy's library card.

Darned Rockies lost yesterday. Maybe Helton will be back in the lineup tonight.


  1. The pic of Kat is a classic. What a great shot.
    Rollie gets the computer next & he already has an answer to Tracy....

  2. Answer is on yesterday's blog. rwm

  3. I wonder what a gruntled chick would look like.

  4. The opposite of disgruntled, I would guess.

  5. Believe it or not, the word "gruntled" is in the dictionary. It means happy or contented; satisfied. My vocabulary lesson for the day.

  6. HUH!!
    I did Google it and was surprised.
    I guess I will start to use that word more often now and see the funny looks I will get.
